Energia Farm

Energia Talu

The farm has a medical plant centre, medical plants study trails, a modern teahouse, a lookout tower, a conference centre, eco-friendly spa.

Energia Farm is the biggest enterprise operating with growing and processing medical plants.

The farm has a medical plant centre, medical plants study trails, a modern teahouse, a lookout tower, a conference centre, eco-friendly spa. Energia Farm welcomes its guests to a Nordic tea ceremony with powerful herbal teas. A large variety of products are sold here: herb mixes, herbal teas, syrups, herbal oils, salves.

Energia Farm offers simple yet filling traditional dishes, preferably made from local ingredients and seasoned with plenty of herbs. Everything is made with a heaping scoop of love and care. All recipes are the creation of the matron of the house, who has earned her share of recognition for the delicious food. Catering for advance bookings.
