Tori Cider Farm

Tori Siidritalu

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Get to know the secrets behind making good ciders and wines at the Cider Farm. The tastings are accompanied by snacks from the Farm.

Open: year around, for advance bookings.

Tori Jõesuu Cider and Wine Farm grows its own organic apples and grapes from which cider and wine is made. Estonia’s first organic apple sider is made here, even though the apples come from an apple orchard in Soomaa.

Learn more about growing apples and grapes in the Nordic climate and get to know the secrets behind making good ciders and wines at the Cider and Wine Farm. The tastings are accompanied by snacks from the Farm.

The barn café is a nice place to rest after the tour. Here you can eat different grilled dishes and open pies baked on living fire.
